

Housify supports a variety of types that can be used to define variables, constants, and stats. This page provides an overview of the types available in the language and how they can be used.


Integers are numbers that can be positive or negative. They are defined using the int keyword. For example:

let x: int = 42;

In this example, a variable named x of type int is defined with an initial value of 42.


Booleans are values that can be either true or false. They are defined using the bool keyword. For example:

let flag: bool = true;

In this example, a variable named flag of type bool is defined with an initial value of true.


Structs are not allowed to be defined by user at the moment (but will be in the future). They are currently used internally to represent player and global stats. You can access struct fields using the . separator. For example:

let x: int = global.counter;

In this example, a variable named x of type int is defined with the value of the counter field of the global struct, which is a global stat counter.


Void is a special type that represents the absence of a value. It is not used at the moment, but will be in the future for functions that do not return a value.