

Conditions are used to check if a certain condition is met and execute some actions based on the result. They are defined using the if keyword followed by a condition and a block of code enclosed in curly braces. For example:

if (score > 100) {
    // Do something

In this example, the code inside the block will only be executed if the condition score > 100 is true.


You can use if, else if, and else to create branching logic based on multiple conditions. For example:

if (score > 100) {
    // Do something
} else if (score > 50) {
    // Do something else
} else {
    // Do something different

In this example, the first block will be executed if score > 100, the second block will be executed if score > 50 but not score > 100, and the third block will be executed if neither condition is true.