

You can test your Housify modules using the Emulator which can be imported from the housify package in your TypeScript code. The Emulator provides a way to simulate the behavior of your modules without having to actually deploy them.

We recommend using Jest (opens in a new tab) for testing your Housify modules, but you can use any testing framework of your choice or even write your own test runner.

Example Usage with Jest

import { compile, EmulatedHouse, EventType } from 'housify';
import fs from 'fs';
describe('Counter', () => {
    let house: EmulatedHouse;
    beforeAll(() => {
        // Compile the house script and initialize an emulated house
        house = new EmulatedHouse(
                fs.readFileSync('counter.hsf', 'utf-8').toString(),
    beforeEach(() => {
        house.reset(); // Reset the house state before each test
    it('should count players', () => {
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player1'); // Emit an event
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player2');
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player3');
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player1');
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player2');
        house.emit(EventType.JOIN, 'player3');
        const actions = house.collect(); // Collect all emitted actions
        expect(house.globalStat('counter')).toBe(6); // Check global stat
        expect(house.playerStat('player1', 'counter')).toBe(2); // Check player stat
        expect(house.playerStat('player2', 'counter')).toBe(2);
        expect(house.playerStat('player3', 'counter')).toBe(2);
        expect(house.playerStat('player4', 'counter')).toBe(0);